Tejchandra Mitra (1863-1912)—Lay disciple of the Master, M.’s pupil, resident of Baghbazar. Passed Entrance Examination after marriage. Enthusiastic about physical culture. In 1883 accompanied Hari Maharaj to Dakshineswar and met the Master there, and thereafter at Balaram Mandir. The Master, fond of him, told him that he would be pleased if Tejchandra practised meditation and prayer for he looked on him as his own (The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, p. 799). On the night of Phalaharini Kali Puja the Master took him to the shrine of Kali and bestowed his grace on him by touching his breast and tongue. Tejchandra used to visit Holy Mother with his wife. Once, after the demise of the Master, having lost some money entrusted to him and unable to find a way out of the predicament, he sat down on the bank of the Ganga and prayed desperately to the Master for help. Got back the money in a curious manner. Was cured of asthma by taking medicine given by a sadhu, following instructions received from the Master in a dream. Once while going by steamer to Belur Math to attend a festival, saved a boy who fell into the river by jumping after him. Died on 16.9.1912 at his residence at 75, Ramkanto Bose Street.